The True Story is a news aggregator that offers its readers diverse takes on the day’s news from various media outlets. The idea is to show a variety of perspectives to the reader, so that the reader can view contrasting coverage of the same event and form his/her own opinion.
Lev Gershenzon, former head of Yandex.News, launched The True Story in mid-2022 with the idea of combating propaganda and news tribalism. One of its targets is the Russian government’s propaganda and censorship efforts.
The Russian government’s reaction didn’t take long. “Our app was blocked in Russia within just four days of release. So we are champions, in a way - no one else was blocked so quickly,” jokes Gershenzon.
The True Story decided to use the NewNode Kit in its Android and iOS apps to bypass these restrictions. “Thanks to the NewNode Kit, our stories can nevertheless be seen by our subscribers inside Russia,” according to Gershenzon.