Help others access the internet– Download NewNode Helper

Do you have unrestricted Internet access?

Help people around the world regain Internet connectivity by installing NewNode Helper on your Linux PC or Apple Silicon Macbook*.

*May require connection to VPN

Shutdowns and Blockages:

Internet shutdowns have become increasingly commonplace as a method of control in authoritarian countries across the world. As of 2024, over fifty countries actively use internet censorship to control their citizens and the information they can access.

In these countries, citizens' rights to free speech, protest, and internet and information access are under siege.

What is a VPN, and how is NewNode different?

NewNode Products to the Rescue:

NewNode Messenger and NewNode VPN, and mobile apps that are built using NewNode Kit, provide users in authoritarian countries the ability to regain Internet connectivity. These products and their users act as a node in the NewNode peer-to-peer network, using the NewNode protocol.

When governments practice measures such as censorship and blocking, the NewNode protocol locates alternative routes to the desired destination, bypassing barriers to Internet access.

If governments employ complete Internet shutdowns, the NewNode protocol forms an ad hoc mobile peer-to-peer network, which relies on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections established directly between devices. This ensures connectivity even in the event of a total shutdown— and once any device in the network finds a path to the Internet, the entire ad hoc network can make use of that connection.

NewNode messenger circle

You can help:

NewNode Helper is Linux software that turns your PC into a node on the NewNode network.

If you have unrestricted Internet access, you can make a difference in Internet Freedom! NewNode users in authoritarian countries will be able to use your node (among with thousands of others) to reach the Internet resources that they need, even when it's been blocked for them.

All that is required is installing NewNode Helper and donating a little bit of bandwidth. Thank you for making the internet freer, safer, and more democratic!

Download NewNode Helper
NewNode allows users to access an app's content in spite of internet blocks
View NewNode's detailed technical spec here